Penwortham Bead Group 10:30 – 12:30 on 3rd Saturday of each month

Led by Esther Turner   07855143050, meets 3rd Saturday of each month £5.00 per session in Church Hall attached to the Church Come and see what we are about. Have a chat, a laugh and get help on your project if needed. Have a coffee/tea and cake. Bring your own cup. The more the merrier. Looking […]

Family Worship


Led by  Gill Turner

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Service

The Churches Together in Penwortham joint service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held at Penwortham United Reformed Church at 4pm on Sunday 21 January 2024. All are Welcome-

Family Worship


Led by  "To Be Advised"

Penwortham Bead Group 10:30 – 12:30 on 3rd Saturday of each month

Led by Esther Turner   07855143050, meets 3rd Saturday of each month £5.00 per session in Church Hall attached to the Church Come and see what we are about. Have a chat, a laugh and get help on your project if needed. Have a coffee/tea and cake. Bring your own cup. The more the merrier. Looking […]

Everyone is welcome here at Penwortham United Reformed Church