Sacrament of Holy Communion
PURCLed by Robert Bulloch
Led by Robert Bulloch
Led by Rev'd Rob Hoch
A Floral Afternoon with a demonstration and talk by Jacqueline Iddon entitled Arranging the Garden and a Plant Sale will be held at 2pm on Monday 9th May 2022. Cost £4.00 with Refreshments For more details see the post on our Home Page.
All are welcome to share a chat, cake, a brew and maybe buy a book or a bargain while supporting Christian Aid at this 'get together' at PURC
Christian Aid Week will be held this year between 15 - 21 May 2022 with an emphasis on Climate Change. See post on Home Page and details in May edition of 'Contact' newsletter.
Led by Gillian Price
Led by Alan Edward
Led by Rev'd Frank Kendall