Family Worship and PURC AGM
PURCLed by The Elders
Led by The Elders
Led by Hylda Hurst
On Monday 24 April at 2.00pm, Steve Williams will present a talk on "Unsung Lancastrians". He says "there have been many men and women in the County over the years whose stories have never been told-from entrepreneurs, Suffragettes, social campaigners, newspaper editors, soldiers and even a President of FIFA". Cost £4.00 with refreshments
A talk for those who would like some practical preaching tips from a preacher/comedian - Andy Kind. Starts 7.00pm - refreshments from 6.30pm
Led by Gill Turner
Led by Rev'd Anton Muller Followed by a Bring Your Own "picnic" lunch in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla
Led by Leo Roberts
On Monday 15 May 2023 at 2.00pm, a representative from International Aid Trust based in Chorley will give a talk on their work in a number of countries in the world. Cost £4.00 with refreshments