Christingle Service & Sacrament of Holy Communion
PURCLed by George Grime
Led by George Grime
The Churches Together in Penwortham Advent Service will be held at St. Mary's Parish Church, Penwortham at 4.00pm on Sunday 27th November 2022
David Wells will give a presentation as an Introduction to Guide Dogs for the Blind - Cost £4.00 with refreshments
Led by Junior Church
Led by 5th Penwortham Scout Group
Led by Esther Turner 07855143050, meets 3rd Saturday of each month £5.00 per session in Church Hall attached to the Church Come and see what we are about. Have a chat, a laugh and get help on your project if needed. Have a coffee/tea and cake. Bring your own cup. The more the merrier. Looking […]
Led by Robert Bulloch
PLEASE NOTE : There will now be no service at PURC on Sunday 01 January 2023; next will be on 08 January 2023. Change made 19 December 2022 after publication of the Dec22/Jan23 edition of the "Contact" magazine which is now incorrect for this date.